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A Fantasy Journey of Bamboo, Technology and University


A Fantasy Journey of Bamboo, Technology and University

USR (University Social Responsibility) project aims to link between university and community to solve their current society problems. National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, join the project with the major theme to rebuild the local bamboo industry by “Bamboo Replacing Plastic” as their goal.

Bamboo is an eco-friendly material. It is a common material in Taiwan. The students and professors of university invents many new technology with bamboo. They join many local bamboo projects with local government, societies and companies. The university uses a PPBL (Place Problem Based Learning) method to guide their students team who come from different majors to learn and do the cross-domain project. It make bamboo have a new life. The students have a Fantasy Bamboo Journey.

The university has set up many bamboo technology maker spaces for their students. They includes Bamboo AI Robert Design Lab, E-Commerce Platform for Bamboo Products, Bamboo Charcoal/Vinegar Machinery Factory, Bamboo Product Quality Inspection Center, Asia Bamboo Culture Center, etc. Welcome you to visit us and make a Fantasy Bamboo Journey for yourself.


USR Bamboo and Bamboo Charcoal Innovation-Sustainable Consumption and Production

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